Sam & Pam

Lots of news lately or as always

Scandals & events bizarre in many ways

Some make unified news and some don’t

Somethings impact all and some won’t


Leaders and Politicians are given  a pass

Thousands dead due to decisions amass


Short term memory is our new tyrant

Twitter and all things social seem so vibrant


Excuses are made for actions of the past

Suffering, pain, lifetime scars that last


Yet for simple mistakes made by the vulnerable

Reactions are triggered, the impossible and improbable


Before we throw rocks of judgment at others’ actions

Have we considered our own volition and reactions


Looking within is always hard and groundless

Looking without is always easy and careless


Remove the lens of conventional thinking

Norms, Must-be’s, fears creating sinking


Look upwards with an open palm

Embrace the infinite sky and that blue calm


Sam and Pam reacted as expected

One text after another with thoughts rejected


What is wrong with him, one acclaimed

What is the deal with him, one exclaimed


Sam supports current wars and thousands dead

Pam supported old wars with tons of bloodshed


Do they know how to pause

Using their intelligence to understand the cause


Judging a conventional misstep by an aging man

Who has only chosen nonviolence to all in a life he ran


He has shown regret and asked to be forgiven

Something those leaders and politicians have never risen


So to my dear Sam and Pam, as your anger wells

Pause, ponder and pace yourselves


Be Mindful.


Being Scolded at Work. Feel Young Again!


The Land of New Mexico