Being Scolded at Work. Feel Young Again!

Every now and then, as a grown up

Just when you think you’ve matured enough

When you feel you’ve earned the right to be who you are

From younger days and fun times you’ve come so far


An event occurs that shakes things up

All the settled dust turns up

Without listening to you or your side

You get scolded at work from your blindside


The first feeling is one of defense

Protecting yourself on your side of the fence

With or without any malice you’re being called out

For something you did and upset someone no doubt


The other person is irate, defensive and full of anger

They need to talk, spute out their feelings so eager

You try to intervene and you get shut up

Their story is more important than yours, yup


So you invoke your inner voice and your higher side

You recognize the pain they are in on the inside

You listen calmly, you make them feel heard

You smile gently, you make them react with not a word


You tell them your side, with poise and being secure

You apologize for any misunderstandings and ensure

As the temperature lowers, you state the fact

Using firmness and compassionate tact


Might is right and that seems the truth

Might with brute calmness confirms the truth

Truth knows it’s true, it does not need us

Put it out there, on that bus of the universe


Feeling secure in yourself is better than feeling senior

Evolution on the timeline of inner growth is superior

All in all, being scolded or reprimanded at an older age

Maybe the best thing to happen to move on to the next page

And if none of the above makes any sense then forget about it

Thank the person for the scolding and go back in time and sit

Try and remember a scolding and getting a spanking or a whooping

Feel how you felt then and you will now laugh, tears of joy and mooping


You will feel like a kid again courtesy the current bout

You will feel young again, over and out!


Be Mindful and Happy!


A Mindful ESG Initiative


Sam & Pam