A Mindful ESG Initiative

With all this chatter on ESG, whether it’s the die-hard politicians, activists, holier than thou folks or the public accounting industry trying to make big bucks from this, I can no longer stay quiet. 

Instead of harping on and on about Environmental, Social and Governance (going definition of ESG) and forcing a framework used to assess an organization's business practices and performance on various sustainability and ethical issues, how about looking within and practicing ESG at the individual level to improve our personal selves and ultimately our collective selves.

I say no more ESG and money making with this arbitrary framework. 

Here is a Mindful ESG Initiative:

E – Equanimity: A state of mental balance and even-mindedness in all we do professionally and personally. 

S – Strength: A state of inner strength and resilience that makes us secure in ourselves and better colleagues, family members and citizens.

 G – Goodness: A natural state of who we are as conscious beings that makes us kind, considerate, compassionate and caring for ourselves and others.

Join me on this Mindful ESG Initiative – money free, independence oriented and rooted in rugged individualism, the very essence of being a Free Thinker.

Be Mindful.


Showing Up - That is Mindful.


Being Scolded at Work. Feel Young Again!