Comparing Someone to Someone. A Myth.

So many times we do this

Comparing someone to someone

It leads to expectations and fuss

Aren’t we all unique and ‘Some’-one


We all have something unique to offer

We are all special in our own way

Are we always supposed to be an image

Of someone else or a clone without a coffer


Siblings, spouses, friends and colleagues

Are all prone to being compared

It’s a battle that is silly on its face

A waste of time and energy that does not get dared


Experiences are captivated by space and time

Comparisons do not recognize these realms

Expectations remain the same in changed contexts and time

Comparisons are made without awareness with no reason or rhyme


Recognizing and meeting each other where we are

Is a mindful way to interact and just being

Sharing experiences with each other from close to far

Is a better way to influence, exchange our seeing


So, here is a simple message to all of us in earnest

To both those who compare and are being compared


First to those who can’t help but compare

Let someone be someone and admire their best

Meet them where they are and let go of the rest

We are all innately good, interesting and have things to share


Second to those who often get compared

Don’t let someone define you as you are innately ‘You’

Their need to compare shows a weakness they wear

This should not change you or your point of view


Being mindful is to have full awareness of you and the other as a whole

Being loved and being happy is a collective natural goal

Stop comparing and stop being compared

Rather look within and compare who you are to yourself

Going within versus going without is a skill

It takes effort, patience and will

Compare who you are to what you want to be

And let the rest go away to wherever it will


Be Mindful.


Sudden Change


The 2024 Busy Season Mindfulness Program