Resurrect Ourselves

On this Easter Sunday

I pause, ponder and persevere

As to what the true meaning Easter has for me.

We all have our beliefs, faith and our spiritual following and that is so cool

I have mine, I think of Easter Sunday as an important day for everyone

And I dig deep inside myself as to what Easter beckons me to do.

Resurrection to me is something I can do everyday if not only once a year

Snapping out of cynicism, confusion, overwhelmed-ness and the busyness of life as is

To a realm of idealism, clarity, resilience and the quiet of life that can be.

Another pause. Another realization. So:

I say we all take these moments to resurrect ourselves every chance we get.

Life is constantly providing us with moments of choice and contrast.

Let’s use these triggers to make the choice of fully living within and without.

Let’s make Easter into a daily exercise

Knowing that each moment, each day, each month and each year, we can resurrect ourselves.

Our individual beliefs, faith and spiritual followings whatever they are

They will all feel that much more real, alive and integrated.

Be Mindful.


The Mindful Workpaper


The Middle Way