No High No Low, Only Free Flow

Lake Shrine, Los Angeles

Equanimity to me is that state of being where you are always at your mid-point. Centered within and without. Achieving equanimity is not easy, moreover maintaining it is even more challenging. But with a regular mindfulness practice that provides us with deep insight into our mind and matter and the universe within, it is possible to start using our mid-point as our personal GPS.

Equanimity to me is a state of being where we keenly leverage our gravity to take off and keenly leverage our gravity to return centered. Feeling mental weightlessness has always been a goal of mine but I have come to realize that without the launchpad of mental weight, I would not be able to contrast the feeling of weightlessness.

Too many times, we strive for absoluteness in our desired state of consciousness. This is simply not possible in a universe where all things are connected via cause and effect. Inherent nihilism in thought and a state of being lacks clarity due to its inability to compare and contrast vs. inherent absoluteness. This is where the mid-point and equanimity can play such an important role.

Today as we constantly hear about strife in our world from war and human suffering, it’s very easy to get drawn into absoluteness. This sense of being “right” lasts for a while and suddenly it turns into apathy due to our inability to affect or improve upon the situation that is bothering us.

What if we used our mid-point as our personal GPS to navigate this strife, both within and without. Mastery internally will naturally lead to Mastery externally. Again, it’s the keen leveraging we can use to manifest what is inside us to bring to what is outside us.

Cause and effect are real. All things being interrelated is real. Operating from our mid-point of mental equanimity can be real.

So, I say to all: No High No Low, Only Free Flow, Only Free Flow.

Be Mindful.


Being with and without


The Day of Infinity